Chairman's Message

“Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.” – Malcolm

It gives me immense pleasure and a sense of satisfaction to acknowledge the part Scholar Mission School plays in strengthening our tomorrow. The children of today are the torchbearers of our future. Education is the tool that provides them with the light and leads them on the right path. Here, at Scholar Mission School, we aim to equip our children with the right tools for a bright future.

The world is moving at supersonic speed and we must evolve with it. The growth is symbiotic, we learn from each other. Education is no longer limited to just academics, but an overall personality development. Extra-curricular activities such as sports, music, dance etc along with basic human values have become an integral part of our education system. I’m proud to say that every person here, at Scholar Mission works tirelessly to groom every facet of each student.

I would like to extend my best wishes to all the students and I believe that each child, in his/her own way will bring laurels to the school and the country. I would also like to thank our parents who have put faith in us. By placing your child in our care, you have chosen to be a part of our family. I can assure you that we shall all learn and grow together.

Mr. J.P. Sharma
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