Principal’s Desk

“Education Is Not Preparation For Life But, Education Is Life Itself.”

The adults of today with their education and experience of yesterday have to prepare students for tomorrow. The most important skills to be developed among students is the ability to ‘learn, unlearn and relearn’ and the ability to source information and resources as and when required.
Scholar Mission is a breath of fresh air for ‘Generation Next’. We have turned the classroom into a vibrant stage where effervescent children love to perform. We attend to the specific needs of each child. Here education is not teacher - centric any longer, it endorses experience - centric and student – centric learning based on learning by doing theory, where teacher is not an instructor but a facilitator in a true sense.
The task of preparing the students for life undoubtedly arduous and challenging but its fruitful result make it worthwhile. Educationists and parents today, cradle the future of not only our children, but of the nation at large. For the smart – kids of the next generation, we need smart – technology with smart teachers.
At Scholar Mission School, we believe that knowledge is not a dull chapter that is a must to be instilled in impressionable minds to make them succeed in an unending rat race. Rather, for us it is transfusing the love of learning in such a way that text-books become the passport to the world of possibilities, a chronicle to discovery and the origin of inspiration.

- Dr. Reeta Saxena

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